"When we deny the story, it define us.
When we own the story, we can write a brave new ending."
My debut post was released today into the big wide world of the Internet, but that isn't necessarily why I wanted to quickly write up this post (although it is somewhat of a shameless plug). The platform #MentalMovement hopes to tarnish the stigma around mental health and hope to offer a safe haven for those of us who are finding it hard to wake up in the morning and are crippled with the fear that we're going through our battles alone.
It's a varied site with something that could help each and every single one of you, so I'd truly appreciate it if you went over there and gave it a look through. The writers are all incredible humans who have first hand experience in the topics they discuss, which I'd personally find comforting as a reader. They know what they're talking about, and they will not make you feel silly or inadequate for having problems that aren't what class as "visible". They will help you.
Use your Internet time to make your heart lay softer.
Here are the links to everything surrounding the site:
And lastly, my post:
We are living in the age of the Internet - where it is possible to connect with someone halfway around the world by typing a few words. There is no longer any reason why someone should go through a mental illness alone.
- Anne x
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