Does your Mama or Dada still expect you to play with a painfully obviously fake mouse that only goes in one direction? That may be good enough for those house cats among us (no offence), but for us rough hunters it is no fun. We've had the real thing. You can't blame the humans, they're easily pleased, but us? We need more. Let me introduce you to.. the Laser. This creature is red and runs like lightening. It's the Kitty Flash. Can you catch the beast? I've totally caught it bunches of times but if you catch it shoot me a comment explaining exactly how you did, so we can, you know, compare meows and stuff. Just. Be detailed. Like, how? Hooooow? Mama says she bought mine from Amazon as it was cheaper but you can get one from most animal stores, I think. They keep animals in cages though so I don't like to visit them places, what fun is it to kill a birdy that's stuck in a box with holes in it? Way too easy. It's totally not because Mama won't take me there.
If you're like me, you enjoy a nice lay down in the evenings. Or perhaps your on bed rest from a bad case of hairballs. Just plain bored with life. I am your saviour. Meow at your owner to give over their touchy thing and put on The Youtube for you. There are tons of games on their to entertain our paws. My favourite channels are TV BINI and Gaming Palooza Empire. The games are animated and makes it way
Unlike our owners, we know what to appreciate in life. Now, Bruno discovered this amazing thing that doubles as toy and bed and scratch post, and although I don't like sharing top secret things like this with a bunch of strangers, I will because Mama told me to be 101% honest about my favourite things. Let me introduce you to your new best friend... the cardboard box. Boy, my tail twitches just thinking about this. They're unbelievably great! You need one of these in your life, trust Bruno. I have loads because I'm special, but if your owners are big meanies and won't buy you one, go to a local bin and you'll find one. Humans are stupid. Mama loves me so she puts fluffy blanket and pillows in mine and worn things that smell of her, but to begin with I just stole all her clothes and left them hanging out of my box. Don't know how she saw it, but yeah. She finally got common sense and just gave me stuff. Get yourself a box.
Unlike most fellow kitties, I like sleeping. My favourite place is on my tower that Mama bought for me for Christmas a few years ago, but sometimes I just have to settle for the bed Mama bought me. I find it hard to get comfortable on it, but I make do. You can buy the tower HERE, I would highly recommend it. Get it? High? It's a tower? B'ahaha.
This invention is great and again, totally Bruno's idea but don't be disheartened, I'm Irish and Welsh so I'm like double the smarts in the brain. If you find yourself feeling bad when your Mama or Dada feed you, clean your toilet, or when you wipe your feet on them, I totally feel you. I was like that when I was a wee kitten, but then Mama bought me magically human called Lady. She's great. Does everything for me and lets me attack her when she's annoying. My Mama says that Lady is her Mama, but that's impossible because I'm the only one with a Mama, right Mama? (This is a note for when Mama reads this. I'm not going catnip.) I do love Lady but she does sometimes put the wrong flavour food down for me, which is so annoying. I just starve myself out of protest and then Mama buys me tuna (which still isn't as good as chicken, but what can a deprived kitty do?) I can't find a picture with lady, so here is one of me again.Speaking of, my favourite tuna's are John West Chunks In Brine or Lifestyle Chunks In Brine (but the green label, not blue) Just meowin'.
Okay, I'm done. Back to Mama.
Human typing: I swear I'm not going crazy, I just thought this'd be a funny post. But the more I'm thinking about it and the realisation that you don't personally know my cat so it's very likely you aren't reading it in his voice (think overly squeaky chipmunk) is sinking in, I realise you may just think this is a little too crazy cat lady. Ah well, gave myself a giggle.
What are some of your pets favourite things? Do you have an inside voice for them? Let me know!
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