Spirit Bound
by Richelle Mead
I've been rereading the Vampire Academy series for over a month now, and it's such a blast. I've spoken before about my love for this series, but I was a little hesitant to give it a reread in case it wasn't as enjoyable as I remembered. A lot of Twilight fans have very likely read the first book in this paranormal series during the era of House Of Night, Fallen, Hush, Hush, and The Vampire Diaries. But I doubt that many continued as the series really does take a huge turn for the better. I adore Rose as a protagonist, especially as she was one of the first true kickass heroines 11-year-old Anne read in a YA series. Is it a sometimes silly series without depth? Yeah, but it's fun. Spirit Bound is the fourth installment in the series, and though it's my least favourite, I'm excited to pick up the next and final book. I'm still debating whether I want to read the spin-off series Bloodlines.

Girl, Woman, Other
by Bernardine Evaristo
This is an interwoven story of twelve voices, each voice being a woman. All of the characters lead vastly different lives, whether that's because of their upbringing or just the era that they lived through. We read about daughters, their mothers, and a different woman all together who's story is somehow woven into the others. What I found particularly striking about this novel was Evaristo's ability to create such an array of unique women, without it ever feeling repetitive. I could clearly differentiate each character. As with any book that is essentially a collection of stories, you enjoy some sections more than others. For that reason I gave Girl, Woman, Other a 4+1/2 star rating. It was beautifully written, and surprisingly quick to go through despite it's hefty length. If it's been even remotely on your radar, I strongly recommend it.

A Closed and Common Orbit (Wayfarers #2)
by Becky Chambers
Picking up right where The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet left off, we follow two characters who have ventured off for an adventure of their own. The synopsis for this is a huge spoiler for the end of book one, so be aware of that if you look this one up! I was excited to pick this up, as I was excited to see what Chambers could do with a more condensed character list. Book one had so many characters - hell, an entire crew - which I did find overwhelming at times. I'm always going magnate more to character driven books, but especially when a novel focuses more on specific characters. I gave TLWTASAP (Bloody hell) a 5 star rating, and yet I much preferred A Closed and Common Orbit. So.. you can pretty much gather how great of a writer Chambers is. This book had such diversity and representation, yet never felt preachy or try-hard. It was a beautiful story that touched my heart. My only quim with it overall was that I felt the ending was rushed. It could've blossomed with an extra 50 pages.

The Poet X
by Elizabeth Acevedo
Told through verse, this is about a young girl in Harlem who discovers slam poetry as a way to understand her mother’s religion and her own relationship to the world. Last month I read Clap When You Land and instantly ordered The Poet X from my library. I didn't enjoy Acevedo's's debut quite as much as her new release, but it was still absolutely beautiful writing. Her books seem to be an entire experience that I can't help but fall head over heels for. I'm already planning on reading With The Fire On High soon.
Pet Sematery
by Stephen King
When the Creeds move into a beautiful old house in rural Maine (of course), it all seems too good to be true: physician father, beautiful wife, charming little daughter, adorable infant son—and now an idyllic home. But the nearby woods hide a blood-chilling truth—more terrifying than death itself—and hideously more powerful. I have a rocky relationship with King's books, but I was hopeful when picking up this known favourite, as so many people have said that it's his one truly creepy book. I get it, okay, the first 1/3 was indeed creepy. But god, did it drag from there. In classic Stephen King style, this could've been 100 pages less and would've definitely gained from it.
I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer
by Michelle McNamara
True Crime is a genre that I've been interested in for about a year now, but never knew where to start when it came to books. This was available via audiobook at my library, so I randomly started it one night. Yeah, I didn't get much sleep that night. This book revolved around the now caught Golden State Killer and a bloggers obsession to find him. Michelle McNamara sadly passed away before this book got published, which only adds to the overall intensity of the book. I'm giving this a 3 star rating, as though I did really enjoy the first half, I got a little bored during the 2012 sections. I felt as though the book could've been a little 'more to the point'. But nevertheless, if you're interested in dipping your toes into this genre, I think this is a great place to start. It definitely spiked my interest.
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